1.General Information

In accordance with the provisions of current regulations, in particular in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society, and with regard to the protection of personal data, in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, is drafted hereby Legal Notice, which establishes the conditions of use of the website owned by, as well as the extremes related to the privacy policy of the website.

The web page to which you are having access is owned by | © diez, in name and representation, as legal owner of, with address for these purposes in Valencia, Convento San Francisco 3, with postal code 46002.

Any access, use or download of contents of this web page will have as a mandatory requirement the previous reading and unreserved acceptance of this legal text. Notwithstanding the foregoing, | © diez, reserves the right to modify or delete all or part of any content, so it will be the user’s responsibility to read it regularly.

This Website has been developed in strict compliance with Spanish legislation, both in its technical and legal aspects, and especially under the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information and Commerce Services Electronic (LSSICE).

2. Conditions and Terms of Use of the website

Any access and / or use of this website will imply the acceptance and acceptance by the user of all the precepts included in the legal texts published therein.

The User agrees to make proper use of this Website, always respecting those applicable precepts, both Spanish law and those that are established by good faith, reserving | © diez, the right to file any legal actions that proceed if the User, in contravention of the foregoing, incurs any use for illicit purposes or contrary to public order, without prejudice to actions that may be initiated by third parties who consider their rights affected by any of these behaviors.

The user guarantees that the personal data provided at all times are always real, accurate and accurate. Based on the foregoing, and if deemed appropriate, by breaching the user’s established conditions, access may be restricted by the owner.

3.Exemption from responsibilities

Given the current state of technology and the potential risks arising from browsing through the network, | © diez, disclaims any liability arising from damages that may be caused in the user’s computer equipment as a result of access and use of the services and contents offered, and expressly for what could constitute any use with fraudulent, reckless or negligent nature, both by the user and by third parties. By virtue of the foregoing, it will not be responsible for any technical failures, service suspensions, transmissions of viruses, Trojans, worms or other elements harmful to the user’s property.

In the same sense, | © diez will not be responsible in any case for the content to which they could redirect, if any, external links that appear on this website, or any possible damages and harm that may arise from the Redirection that occurs through the respective links where appropriate.

4.Industrial and intellectual property

This website, as well as the domain and trademark, and all the contents and services offered in it, are the exclusive property of | © diez, and are protected by the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, as well as by the current regulations on industrial and intellectual property, trademarks and patents. For all the above, prior authorization will be necessary for any reproduction, distribution or exploitation of them not contemplated in this Legal Notice, being prohibited, except in the case of express authorization of the owner, any distribution, modification, copy, reproduction, transmission , or alteration thereof.

The intellectual property rights of this website are the exclusive property of | © diez, so neither access nor use of the services and content made available to the user through this website will be interpretable in any way case as an acquisition by the user of any right on the contents contained therein.

5.Dispute resolution

In the event that any disputes arise in relation to the Website made available to users by | © diez, both parties undertake by this clause to accept Spanish law as the only applicable, with express resignation to its own in your case, and agreeing in any case the submission of such disputes to the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia.

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